Model:cluster v.1 (CTMC)
Parameter(s)N = 128, T = 2000, t = 20
Property:qos1 (prob-reach-time-bounded)
Invocation (default)
perl ./ cluster.props label qos1 T 2000
./stamina/stamina/bin/stamina cluster.prism newcluster.props -kappa 1e-9 -const N=128,T=2000,t=20
Return code:0, 0
Note(s):The tool result '5498880147078249/4611686018427387904' is tagged as incorrect. The reference result is 'OrderedDict([('lower', 0.001072402434), ('upper', 0.001072402634)])' (approx. OrderedDict([('lower', 0.001072402434), ('upper', 0.001072402634)])) which means a relative error of '0.1118767546219302' which is larger than the goal precision '0.001'.
Relative Error:0.1118767546219302

Version: 4.5
Date: Wed Apr 01 08:55:23 UTC 2020
Hostname: cb4ac6bf600d
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=2g

Type:        CTMC
Modules:     Left Right Repairman Line ToLeft ToRight 
Variables:   left_n left right_n right r line line_n toleft toleft_n toright toright_n 

Generator:   stamina.InfCTMCModelGenerator
Type:        CTMC

Approximation<1> : kappa = 1.0E-9


Building model...

Computing reachable states... 9 10017 states
 10017 states
Reachable states exploration and model construction done in 1.462 secs.
Sorting reachable states list...

Time for model construction: 1.633 seconds.

Type:        CTMC
States:      10017 (1 initial)
Transitions: 46759


Verifying Lower Bound for qos1_min .....


Model checking: "qos1_min": P=? [ F<=2000 !"minimum" ]

Starting backwards transient probability computation...

Uniformisation: q.t = 41.318415 x 2000.0 = 82636.83
Fox-Glynn (1.25E-7): left = 80621, right = 85077
Backwards transient probability computation took 85078 iters and 106.817 seconds.

Value in the initial state: 0.0011923795603399295

Time for model checking: 106.835 seconds.

Result: 0.0011923795603399295 (value in the initial state)


Verifying Upper Bound for qos1_max .....


Model checking: "qos1_max": P=? [ F<=2000 !"minimum" ]

Starting backwards transient probability computation...

Uniformisation: q.t = 41.318415 x 2000.0 = 82636.83
Fox-Glynn (1.25E-7): left = 80621, right = 85077
Backwards transient probability computation took 85078 iters and 106.686 seconds.

Value in the initial state: 0.0011923795603399295

Time for model checking: 106.689 seconds.

Result: 0.0011923795603399295 (value in the initial state)


Property: "qos1": P=? [ F<=2000 !"minimum" ]

ProbMin: 0.0011923795603399295 (value in the initial state)

ProbMax: 0.0011923795603399295 (value in the initial state)
